Sometimes we find ourselves in a stage of life that feels like it will last forever. Then, almost by surprise…’POOF’ it completes!  Recently I’ve discovered myself in that place. Many of you have been receiving my monthly newsletter for a while now, and for some, well over a decade.  I would like to extend a…

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Uncommon Sense

Each person we meet has so much to teach us, if we are open to the gifts. Of all the daily life ‘teachers’ I encounter, I find children and senior citizens to be the greatest ones of all. Less inhibited by conditioning, social expectations, baggage and mental stress that so many adults are governed by,…

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Your DNA Story

Would you dare to question who you really are?  Would you dare to take the necessary steps to become all that you are capable of becoming? Recently I saw a powerful video that summarized real stories of people from around the world that demonstrates how significantly more connected we are with other races than we…

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Your Brain Map!

Years ago, when I was planning a six-month backpacking trip through India, a powerful song came on the radio.  The synchronicity blew me away. Thank U by Canadian singer-songwriter, Alanis Morissette, was composed after her spiritual sojourn in India, when she took time off her career to learn how to ‘stop and breathe’. In her…

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Jill Hewlett - Brain Fitness Authority Toronto - Brain Health and Exercises

Anxiety Warrior

Do you get nervous or anxious from time to time? If you ask around, you’ll find that everyone does, and fairly often too! For some, however, these feelings become so frequent and intense that the anxiety takes over their lives. It makes it very hard to function and equally difficult to meet new people, to…

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Spotlight Effect

Do you ever feel self-conscious and worry that others are judging your words or actions? Even as a professional speaker who is used to talking and demonstrating in front of large groups of people on a regular basis, this can happen to me, too. The concerns about what other people think about us can interfere…

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Can a basic understanding of the evolution of your brain improve and maximize your ability to learn, think, adapt and thrive in today’s world? You bet it can! If you feel intrigued or even daunted by brain science or the many folds and overlapping structure of your brain’s anatomy, just know that studied from an…

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Bring It Home!

Recently my daughter attended one of my speaking engagements. Certain Brain Fitness events which are open to the public, work well for her to attend. She is helpful, I enjoy her company and I can count on her candid and honest feedback on my presentations. After the session I asked her how she enjoyed herself,…

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The Best Gift

When you purchase a gift for someone, your ultimate goal is to bring them happiness, right?  What joy it is to see that smile on their face when they open the package! Did you know that when it comes to buying happiness, research now shows what tops the list? It turns out that ‘new and…

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You Try It!

My daughter has developed a passion for skate boarding.  Not your regular kind of skate board; this is called a Ripstik.  It has two narrow platforms joined by a torsion bar that allow it to tilt and manoeuvre according to feet position and weight distribution. For the first several weeks I watched as my daughter…

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