Groundbreaking neuroscience and inspired common sense, Jill Hewlett will show you how to achieve your Fit Brain and Fit Life.
You will be empowered & equipped to achieve greater results - guaranteed!
• Stress reduction
• Mental Health
• Energy Levels
• Communication
• Focus & Comprehension
• Organization Skills
• Time Management
• Work/Life Balance
• Personal Management
• Positive Attitudes
• Awareness & Self Care
• Productivity & Efficiency
• Creativity & Innovation
• Health & Wellness
• Engagement
• Change Management
• Leadership
• Goal Achievement
- Brainology - Engage Your Brain for Work & Life Success!
- Change your Brain; Change your Results – Stress Resilience and Change Management
- Catch a Brain Wave - Creativity, Innovation & Collaboration
- Think Smarter, Feel Happier – Mental Health, Wellness & Self Care
- Switched On Learning – Focus, Comprehension & Memory
- 90 For Life - Healthy Longevity
- Brain Tune-Ups - Ask about the quick and fun Brain Boosters that keep your audience energized and engaged throughout your conference or full day training
The field of neuroscience has been making incredible breakthroughs and discoveries.
This information has the capacity to greatly impact the growth and functioning of your brain and your life, IF you have the information and know what to do with it.
Your brain can learn, develop new skills and abilities, alter behavior and improve performance at every age with user-friendly Neuro-Science, Brain Fitness and Wellness tools.
Develop your brain to its fullest capacity physically, mentally, emotionally and functionally to thrive in all situations and areas of your life!
The key to your success is already wired within you, you simply need to activate it!
"I loved the Brain Fitness Keynote; the topic was new, fresh, positive and so innovative, something people had not heard of before at one of our conferences! After hearing all of the presentations, our President ranked Jill Hewlett as the #1 speaker at the conference, no surprise as Jill really engaged the audience."
- Jill Walker, Toronto Jobs, Marketing & Communications

- User friendly neuroscience and the basics required to grow your Fit Brain, for life and work
- Understand how stress impedes your health, wellness and overall performance and learn tools to shift back into balance and connection
- Access your Executive Brain functions to think before you act, hold, analyze and effectively process and express information
- Build your brain reserve for current and long term physical and mental health and productivity
- Build your energy levels, shift your attitude and improve skills and abilities such as memory, organization, communication and focus
- Connect with your innate neurological genius to achieve your goals
- Learn a 'DESK RESET' that can be done quickly at your work-station to put you and keep you in, a focused, energized and work ready state
Change Your Brain; Change Your Results!
The only thing constant in life is change. Add to this the fact that daily life stressors are not going to vanish anytime soon…how can a person cope, let alone thrive?
It’s possible; YOU CAN outsmart common workplace and daily life challenges and issues by creating your own Fit Brain!
Strategically change and adapt to become more agile and resilient, using Brain Fitness knowledge and techniques based on latest neuroscience concepts and discoveries.
Be amongst those leaders on the planet who are a positive force of change! Move from reactivity to responsiveness, stress to balance and confusion to clarity, anywhere, anytime.
Super powers - you bet you have them!
"We hired Jill Hewlett to provide Brain Fitness training for our annual planning meeting. She got the entire room excited and involved, reminding us that everyone has stress, it is part of life, and that you can deal with stress effectively by being aware of it, and then implementing tools to deal with it successfully. Since the training, the team collectively recommends specific movements prior to stressful situations they must engage in. The training further bonded our group together; we are using the tools as a way to help, support and motivate each other."
- Nicole McCann, State Farm®

- Practical neuroscience and how it can compliment and remedy our fact-paced lives and support us in managing change more effectively
- How to recognize signs of stress and initiate simple, quick and effective tools to shift into connection and balance to thrive in all situations
- How to tap into you “Internal Change Mastery System” to be more resilient and evolve authentically and powerfully
- Initiate simple, quick and effective tools and strategies to overcome procrastination, especially tasks or skills where you have a negative trigger associated
- Fine tune your leadership skills, boost your confidence and put yourself ‘in the zone’ of optimal performance
- Learn a 'DESK RESET' that can be done quickly at your work-station to put you in a focused, energized and work ready state
Catch a Brain Wave
The ability to Change, Innovate and Create with ease and agility have been identified by the top employers as critical “must have” skills for organizations and individuals of the future.
Your brain is the most powerful computer on the planet. Are you maximizing your neuro-powers so you can thrive in today’s world?
Scientists have proven that the brain can grow, change and rewire itself to think more clearly, problem solve, uncover new perspectives, forge new initiatives and lead new strategies.
In fact, we are wired for it!
Use Brain Fitness to activate and grow your whole brain potential to get the results you want at work, in your relationships and in daily life.
When each individual shifts into higher functioning, the entire workplace benefits too. Stress, low morale and absenteeism decrease, while collaboration, win-win solutions and team work inevitably grows.
With Brain Fitness, you can engage in any situation from a place of optimal performance and focused energy.
"The presentation was fun, dynamic and interesting. Jill Hewlett received participant buy-in early on in her presentation. Everyone was engaged and had fun participating. The post event survey results showed that 100% of the participants were likely/very likely to apply the content learned from the session in their jobs. This topic provided a larger than average draw to our chapter meeting. Jill rated 86% 'Excellent' for participant satisfaction."
- Valerie Dixon, CSTD Peel/Halton Chapter Board Member., President, Learnware Design Inc.

- Understand how to tap into your inner well spring of resources for greater productivity and enjoyment
- How to access your executive functioning skills for problem solving, win-win solutions, mental clarity and decision making
- Acquire simple, fun and effective ways to reset and connect your whole brain for JIT innovation, creativity and performance
- Build your brain muscles for learning, attitude, aptitude, performance levels, and general feelings of well being
- Gain tools so you can quickly and easily THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX and discover a whole new world of opportunity and success
- Learn a 'DESK RESET' that can be done quickly at your work-station to put you in a focused, energized and work ready state
Think Smarter, Feel Happier
You can’t always control what happens to you or around you, but you can control what happens within you.
Mental health issues are at an all time high, your greatest ally in effectively managing these concerns, is creating a 'Fit Brain!'
A Fit Brain is imperative to your overall health and wellbeing.
Build new skills using the science of neuroplasticity and Brain Fitness techniques to create a better quality of life, personally and professionally. When you make positive changes, your family, friends and co-workers benefit too.
You can directly impact how you think, act and feel, now and in your future. It’s easy, fun and only takes a few minutes. No equipment is required.
All Brain Fitness techniques work for people of all ages and stages of life.
"Brain Fitness is the first session I ran back from the washroom for, so I wouldn’t miss a thing! This staff reboot Mental Health & Wellness training was a perfect way to engage our Body and Mind, and it supported all of our individual needs and group goals. After 3 full days of intensive meetings, we completed with Jill Hewlett's half day Brain Fitness training. Everyone was refreshed, balanced and energized by the end of the seminar!"
- Angie Robertson, Assistive Technology Software Specialist

- Natural and effective ways to address mental health concerns
- Tools used to curb addictive tendencies and behaviours
- Develop greater interpersonal and communications skills
- Reduce stress in just seconds and build resiliency
- Enjoy more energy, restful sleep and better digestion
- Create new habits to experience overall feelings of peace and well-being
- Fill your well with self care strategies and tools to use anywhere, anytime
- Learn powerful Brain Fitness tools like Brain Gym® to wire your brain for physical, mental, emotional and functional health
Switched On Learning!
You can rewire and grow your brain strategically for greater results in the classroom, boardroom and daily life!
Learn about your brain and its ability to learn easily, develop new skills, alter behavior, change attitude and improve performance at every age and stage of life, with Brain Fitness brain sculpting tools.
With a “Fit Brain”, the rewards are many. Improve grade levels and test scores, enhance project & time management, avoid procrastination, set and achieve goals and perform at your ultimate best.
Results are immediate, progressive and measurable results.
Most importantly, you can have fun doing it!
"Brain Fitness fits in nicely with the objectives of our Corporate Healthy Workplace Strategy. Jill Hewlett provided our participants with learning and stress coping mechanisms, allowing everyone to clear their minds and re-focus. Staff were fully engaged and motivated to learn more, and to incorporate this into their daily routine and share with colleagues, family and friends. Thanks again for this wonderful presentation."
- Doreen Drimmel, Human Resources Consultant, City of Markham

- Develop brain agility and proficiency for learning, work and life
- Access greater interpersonal and communications skills
- Ability to self manage and make timely and appropriate choices
- Connect with Executive Brain Functions and improve areas such as memory, focus, confidence, communication, organization and balance
- Relieve stress around learning and performance anxiety
- Provide extra support for special needs and aging relatives
- Learn powerful Brain Fitness tools like Brain Gym® which are fast, easy and effective ways to put yourself in a learning ready state and wire your brain for greater success
90 For Life
Are you concerned about your health? Have you been told that you may be predisposed to health issues due to genetics? Are you simply ready to overcome nutrition confusion?
Then it’s time to zero in on the non-negotiable Brain-Body Fuel you require to function at your best. Learn what it consists of, how to ensure you are getting it and how it will be the greatest investment into your health and longevity!
If you want to experience positive improvements in all areas of your life, then Essential Nutrition is the backbone of your success!
Would you let your car run on empty? Power Your Brain at School, at Work and in Daily Life with the Essential Brain Fuel you require.
I've had extremely low energy for many years. One evening I was visiting with a friend and she raved about a nutritional Brain-Body supplement that she was taking and how much she was benefiting from it. This friend has a lot of energy and is very productive so I figured I'd give it a try. I'm so happy I did! Ever since I spoke with Jill and started taking it, my energy levels are so high my family, friends and kids barely recognize me.
- A. Desforges

- Keep your memory intact
- Increase your energy levels
- Improve your focus and concentration
- Have a more healthy and positive attitude
- Protect yourself from premature aging and disease
- Reverse current health symptoms and issues
- Lose weight without dieting
- Look, feel and act younger
- And more!